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“Your Friendly Neighbourhood Accountant” – Located in Toronto – Welcome and thank you for visiting.
My goal is to provide you with great service and advice at an affordable rate.
Services included – Financial Statements
– Income Tax – Personal and Corporate
– Bookkeeping
Whether you are – Self-employed or incorporated
– Small business entrepreneur or employee
I can help you with your accounting needs with a fast turn-around time.
Are you late on filing your tax returns? – I can help you catch up with your filings, at an affordable rate. I can speak to CRA on your behalf to help you.
I am here for you all year round and will return your phone calls and emails promptly.
One of the most important things is to listen to your needs to help you resolve problems.
“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” – by Dr. Seuss.
Please call me whenever you have a question, buy whether it is accounting, this bookkeeping, tax, buying or leasing a vehicle, etc. I am here for you! Don’t let questions float around in your head unanswered – call me!
My mission is to build trust – today and tomorrow, together. Trust is the foundation of our relationship. Listening to you is of utmost importance to help you reach your goals.